Saturday, 8 September 2007

Looking out over the Saint Laurent

The view from the walls behind the old city and the boardwalk in front of the Chateau Frontenac offers a wonderful view of the old city down below, Quebec across the St. Laurent, the mountains in the distance and the Isle d'Orleans.

Some of the canons used to defend the city are still in place.

I can't help but wonder how well the city would have been defended by the fair maiden on top of this canon.

Further along the boardwalk and the view opens up revealing an amazing panorama.


Anonymous said...

OMG! THAT picture have escape of my memory... :-)
Your pic are amazing! I'm quite sure I'm gonna use them at school... Is it a problem?

Gerard said...

My pics are yours. I started this blog not only for myself but for you and the family. You can use them anytime you need without asking. xxGerard